Unlock Urban Freedom with ezservice admin panel

Your Key-Solution to Effortless Urban Mobility Business!

woman with scooter


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With our advanced administrative capabilities, access concise yet comprehensive statistics on scooter availability, ride metrics, and client data. Acquire insights into scooter status, availability, and operations to facilitate data-driven decisions for fleet management. Our reporting feature provides detailed ride statistics, ride counts, durations, and client insights. Stay informed about scooter fleet utilization, monitor ride trends, and evaluate rental service performance. Monitor client metrics such as total counts and new clients daily to comprehend user acquisition patterns. Leverage our user-friendly reporting system to enhance administrative capabilities and steer strategic decisions for your urban mobility enterprise.

Companies List

Enhance admin capabilities with quick access to scooter availability, ride metrics, and client data stats. Use Companies feature to create/edit profiles, manage company info, and ensure secure Liqpay payment processing. Efficiently oversee company profiles with robust functions for up-to-date information.

Scooters List

Gain full control over your scooter fleet with robust functionalities in the Scooters List feature:

  • Start by reviewing the available scooters list, which includes vital information like the specific area, number, unique ID (UID), model type, designated zone, current status (locked or unlocked), and exact battery charge percentage.
  • Use the filtering feature to narrow down scooter options based on model, status, and battery charge level.
  • Add a new scooter entry to the existing list if needed.
  • Update the detailed information of any scooter, adjusting elements such as model, number, unique ID (UID), SIM card specifics, ICCID, and current status as required.
  • Remove scooters from the active list through soft deletion.
  • Explore additional features accessible from each scooter's detailed page to enrich the overall user experience.

Models List

Enhance your administrative capabilities using the Models List feature to efficiently manage scooter models and associated details.

Key Features:

  • Evaluate the scooter models, check their names, and confirm service locations.
  • Introduce a fresh scooter model with detailed specifications, pricing details, and customizable options.
  • Enhance user satisfaction by refining current scooter models to allow modifications in all aspects for better customization.


Elevate your administrative capabilities with advanced map management features, offering complete control over scooter locations and ride zones.

Key Features:

  • Effortlessly manage scooter locations within specified ride zones on the map
  • Easily filter scooters on the map based on status, battery charge, and time since the last ride
  • Enable or disable the auto-refresh option for scooter locations on the map

Clients List

Key Features:

  • Easily access the clients list with concise details like name, email, phone, status, platform, and creation date.
  • Swiftly search clients by name, email, or phone for prompt retrieval of specific records.
  • Streamline data management by filtering clients based on status and registration date.
  • Ensure accuracy by editing client details such as email, phone, and name.
  • Engage clients with individual notifications and the option for push notifications to boost interaction.
  • Streamline communication and outreach by sending group notifications to multiple clients.

With these advanced functions, effectively manage client data and foster seamless communication to elevate customer satisfaction and engagement.

Client Detail

General Tab Features:

  • Client Information: Access key details such as ID, registration date, contact information, account status, balance, ride count, feedback, language preference, operating system, and app version.
  • Actions Button: Manage client balance, send notifications, and handle account status adjustments.

Rides Tab Features:

  • View User Rides: Explore ride specifics including ID, start time, distance, cost, and more.

Transactions Tab Features:

  • View User Transactions: Review transaction specifics and easily search/filter by type or provider.

Notes Tab Features:

  • Client Notes: Access support and technical notes for better understanding.
  • Add New Notes: Maintain client history to enhance communication.

Efficiently oversee client details, transaction records, ride history, and communication channels to provide tailored and effective client support.

Orders List

Effectively manage and retrieve order details using the user-friendly features offered within the Orders List feature:

Key Functions:

  • Easily view the orders list with concise details such as ID, order start time, scooter ID, distance, duration, cost, feedback, customer, email, phone, and status.
  • Gain deeper insights into a specific scooter by selecting the scooter ID to access the detailed scooter page.
  • Explore comprehensive customer information by selecting the customer ID to navigate to the customer detail page.
  • Obtain a detailed overview of a specific order by selecting the order ID to open the order detail page.

Order Details

Empower yourself with detailed insights and efficient oversight using the General and Activities tabs in the Order Details page.

General Tab Functions:

  • View Order Details: Access order status, vehicle ID, start/end time, duration, and cost.
  • Open Ride End Location: Easily view the ride end location on Google Maps for geographical context.
  • Open Movement History: Check the movement history on a map with scooter locations, battery percentage, and status, filterable by time.

Activities Tab Functions:

  • View Ride Activity Details: Access ride start time, pauses, and end time for oversight.

Inbox Alerts

Effortlessly oversee and handle vehicle alerts with the user-friendly features available in the Alerts section:

Key Features:

  • Inbox Alerts Overview: Quickly access a comprehensive list of inbox alerts from vehicles, displaying alert ID, scooter number, alert type, and time for swift review and action.
  • Detailed Scooter Information: Delve into specific scooter details by selecting the scooter ID within the alert, facilitating proactive management and timely resolution of the issue.

Area Management

Effectively manage and supervise areas with the following user-friendly features:

Key Features:

  • View Created Areas: Easily access a list of created areas, showing the name and associated city for quick reference.
  • Create New Area: Choose a company, define the area name, and select the geographical location to effortlessly create a new area.
  • Edit Area Main Information: Update the main details of an area, such as the company association, name, and location, to maintain accurate and current information.
  • Zone Management within Areas: Map out zones and adjust specific configurations to efficiently customize and oversee areas based on specific requirements.

Subscription Management

Achieve oversight and control of subscriptions and user purchases with functions in the Subscription section:

Subscription Section Functions:

  • View Created Subscriptions: Access a detailed list of subscriptions, including subscription number, company, active status, validity period, price, unlock counts, ride and pause minutes, and distance.
  • Create a New Subscription: Choose an area, define conditions, input FAQ details, and activate the subscription. Note: Conditions cannot be changed post-activation.
  • Edit Subscription: Adjust all conditions and details before activation for precise options.

User Purchases Section Functions:

  • View Subscription Purchases: Review purchases with ID, validation period, status, client name, contact number, unlock count, ride and pause minutes, and distance.
  • Access Subscription and Client Details: Easily navigate to detailed subscription and client pages for insights into user purchases.

Battery Management

Effortlessly oversee and manage batteries with the following user-friendly functions:

Key Functions:

  • Battery List Overview: Access detailed information on each battery, including its number, model, charge level, status, ownership details, and creation date for quick reference.
  • Add New Battery: Choose a battery model, assign a unique number, set the status, and specify a storage location to smoothly introduce a new battery to the system.
  • Edit Battery Information: Update the model, number, status, and storage specifics of a battery, with the added feature of tracking status change history for comprehensive monitoring.
  • Remove Battery: Delete a specific battery from the system when necessary to ensure accurate and up-to-date battery management within the infrastructure.

Battery Model Management

Effectively supervise and control battery models through the following user-friendly functions:


  • View Battery Models List: Access a comprehensive list of battery models with key details like battery name and model for quick reference.
  • Create Battery Model: Select a scooter model, specify the affiliated company, and assign a name to seamlessly incorporate a new battery model into the system.
  • Edit Basic Model Info: Modify the essential aspects of a battery model to ensure precise and up-to-date information within the system.
  • Delete Battery Model: Remove a specific battery model from the system as needed, streamlining the maintenance of the battery model inventory.

Battery Storage Management

Effectively oversee and manage battery storage with the following user-friendly functions:

Key Functions:

  • View Storage List: Easily access a detailed list of storages, including crucial details like storage ID, name, creation date, and manager for quick reference.
  • Create New Storage: Choose a location, enter a name, and effortlessly add a new storage spot to the system, ensuring systematic organization and efficient battery management.
  • Delete Storage: Eliminate a specific storage from the system when necessary, simplifying the maintenance of storage inventory.

Feedback Management

Effectively handle and assess client feedback using the following user-friendly features:

Key Features:

  • Feedback List Overview: - Review a detailed list of feedback items, including feedback ID, client name, message content, status, and submission date, streamlining the review process for better organization and efficiency.
  • Quick Action Button: - Employ the "Review" button to promptly update feedback status from "New" to "Reviewed," ensuring a structured approach to processing and acting on client feedback.

Message Management

Effectively handle and address client messages using the following user-friendly features:

Key Features:

  • Message List Overview: Easily navigate through a detailed message list, showcasing message ID, client name, content, status, and date for organized review and responses.
  • Direct Message Feedback: Enhance direct communication by promptly responding to client messages, promoting active client interaction and satisfaction.

Promo Code Management

Effectively oversee and generate promotional codes using the following user-friendly features:

Key Features:

  • Promo Code Repository: Easily access a detailed repository of generated promo codes, including ID, code, recipient, quantity, category, bonus, status, validity period, and activation status for efficient monitoring and administration.
  • Generate Promo Codes: Create new promo codes by choosing a sub-account, defining the target audience (new users, unused promos, all customers), code category (balance, promo), code quantity, distribution count, bonus offer, scope of application, and activating the promo code as necessary..

Device Status Changes Log

Efficiently oversee and control device status changes with the user-friendly functions below:


  • View Info: Obtain detailed information such as ID, date, scooter ID, scooter number, manager ID, email, status from/to, and location (linked to Google Maps) for comprehensive monitoring of device status changes.
  • Filter: Easily sort device status changes by "status from" and "status to" for focused analysis and assessment.
  • Search by Employee Name: Quickly find specific device status changes by searching with the employee's name, ensuring prompt access to relevant details.

Battery Changes Log

Effectively oversee and regulate battery replacements using the following user-friendly features:

Key Functions:

  • Info Overview: Gain insights into battery changes with details like ID, date, battery ID, number, manager ID, email, status transitions, and storage location for comprehensive management.
  • Smart Filtering: Easily sort battery changes by "status from" and "status to" for precise analysis and review.
  • Employee Name Search: Quickly pinpoint specific battery changes by searching for an employee's name to access relevant data promptly.

User Balance Changes

Efficiently manage and monitor user balance changes using the following user-friendly features:

Key Features:

  • Balance Change Log: Access a detailed list of balance modifications, including date, user ID, manager ID, manager email, amount, and operation (increase/decrease) for comprehensive user balance oversight.
  • Search by Employee Email: Easily pinpoint specific balance adjustments by searching with the employee's email, ensuring rapid access to pertinent details.
  • Date Range Filter: Filter balance changes based on specific date ranges for focused analysis and evaluation.

Managers List

Effectively oversee managers by utilizing these key functions:

  • View List of Managers: Gain insights into your managerial team by accessing a comprehensive list that includes ID, name, email, and creation date for enhanced oversight.
  • Create New Manager: Seamlessly onboard new managers by providing essential details such as name, email, password, company affiliation, and role within the organization.
  • Edit Manager: Ensure up-to-date information by easily updating any field from the data entered during the creation of a new manager.
  • Delete Manager: Maintain a structured managerial framework by removing managers when necessary to optimize organizational efficiency and clarity.

Roles List

Efficiently manage roles with the following functions:


  • View List of Created Roles: Easily access a comprehensive list of roles, including role names and the total number of users assigned to each role. This feature facilitates effective role management by providing a clear overview of role distribution within the organization.
  • Create New Role: Seamlessly establish a new role within the organizational structure by specifying the role name, description, and necessary credentials. Tailor the role to align with specific organizational requirements and ensure a structured hierarchy of responsibilities.
  • Edit Role Credentials: Flexibly adjust role credentials to adapt to evolving organizational needs. This function enables you to refine role assignments and permissions, ensuring alignment with the organization's changing dynamics and operational demands.


Effectively manage platform settings with the following functions:


  • Legal Info Links Field: Update legal links like terms, privacy policy, marketing consent, and insurance for compliance.
  • Other Settings: Customize business hours, zone colors, reservation times, support emails, FAQ links, alerts, notifications, ride parameters, and helpdesk for smooth operations.
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